Went on a date

I went on a date with a new man last night. We laughed, held hands.. hugged, kissed. He even opened the door for me a time or two. We looked in the rear view mirror and talked about how we have the same eyes, same lips- he just kept pointing out how many more freckles I had than he.

We shopped, ran in the rain and giggled  (literally).  He ate pizza, I had chicken boob. We cranked up the radio and sang songs together as loud as we could. I think I’m in love.. Here he is….

5 Responses to “Went on a date”

  1. kyn8ve Says:

    omgosh! that is soooo sweet!!!!! my li’l man has been saying things like he wants some time with me, maybe we should do the same thing! he doesn’t get much one on one with me! 😦 what a cutie, you better hang on to him! hahahaha

  2. lt. mascara Says:

    How adorable! But whats a chicken boob?

  3. Ashley Says:

    OK….If he paid for dinner I think he is keeper…Does he like peanut butter as much as you???

    What a little man he has become since I have seen him last.. Makes me miss our old street even more..

  4. kissmyglutes Says:

    chicken boob=chicken breast..
    Nah he didnt have to pay, I asked him on the date 🙂
    the only PB he likes is by Peanut Butter and Co- the white choc one, and I cant have that yummmie stuff around all the time! He is quite the lil man. Soo onry, yet sweet. and for a 6 yr old- he’s cut! Dont know where he got his genetic potential from whn it comes to his lil body, but he sure is a cutie!

  5. Lt Mascara Says:

    OMG I’m stupid! ha ha!

    I LOVE white chocolate wonderful 🙂

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