The 6 Who Carry You

This morning I read something which not only made me teary, but put me in some very deep thought for a while.. I wanted to share it- as I beleive it is something for us all to ponder.

The speaker in church this past weekend was speaking about relationships and their importance.
” When you’re on your deathbed..what’s going to go through your mind?  Your job?  Your house?  your car?  Your successes?
 You are going to look back on your life and upon all of the relationships along the way. Even the most career, goal oriented person in the world will be thinking about the people they’ve touched and been touched by…
The speaker went into something that really struck a nerve with me.. (been thinking about it since.)
“When I think about my funeral and try to picture who my pallbearers will be- it makes me think.
I’m sure that there could be some that would do the job as long as they didn’t have anything more pressing in their schedule. These are not the people that I want lifting me up and carrying me for one final time. I want those who were  true friends that lifted me up and carried me in my life when I was unable.
Those that you know will be there are the people that maybe you need to make sure you invest as much time as possible in. Make it a priority to value them and let them know all they mean or have meant to you. Take those relationships to a new higher level.

.But to sit and think ,”Who is going to be carrying me to my final resting place?”  It is a question that can make your time here on earth have a whole new meaning when you think about this.  How maybe you too can be a friend who carries another when they cannot carry themselves… 

 I mean isnt this really what life is about?

One Response to “The 6 Who Carry You”

  1. Lt Mascara Says:

    Wow…talk about a big message!

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